(Bear Medicine) Perennial herb native to the Rocky Mountains. Traditional usage (American Indian, TWM): upper respiratory infection, cough, altitude sickness. Plant prefers full sun to part shade and is often found in association with aspen groves. Sow in outdoor conditions in flats or in nursery bed. Sow seed about 1/4 inch deep and cover with soil, tamp well, then cover the planting with a thin layer of organic mulch such as rotted sawdust, peat or coir. Sow in cool soils in outdoor conditions. Best to sow in the fall for germination in the spring. For an in-depth discussion of seed germination and cultivation of Osha, see the Osha chapter in the book “Growing At-Risk Medicinal Herbs.” Thin seedlings to 6 inches apart and keep well-weeded and deeply mulched.